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Sandemo, Margit

The Ice People 10 - Winter Storm

Villemo is a force of nature. Her fiery red hair and striking beauty leave a strong impression on ev ...

Im Bestand seit: 09.06.2021


Sandemo, Margit

The Ice People 7 - Nemesis

As the clan of the Ice People are scattered across Norway and Denmark, their lives bring new joys -  ...

Im Bestand seit: 09.06.2021


Sandemo, Margit

The Ice People 9 - Without Roots

Mikael Lind of the Ice People has been separated from his family his whole life. He's obediently fol ...

Im Bestand seit: 09.06.2021


Sandemo, Margit

The Ice People 8 - Under Suspicion

Rumour and suspicion continue to haunt the Ice People. When the bodies of four murdered women are fo ...

Im Bestand seit: 09.06.2021


Sandemo, Margit

The Ice People 6 - Evil Legacy

Tarjei Lind of the Ice People promised his grandfather Tengel that he would find a worthy heir to th ...

Im Bestand seit: 09.06.2021
